Importing Billing Rates

Only .csv files may be imported.

Importing Form Rates

To import standard form billing rates:

  1. Click the Tools menu; then, select Billing Manager.
  2. Click the Form Rates tab.

Billing Manager (Form Rates tab)

  1. Click Import.

A Browse for Folder dialog box appears.

  1. Navigate to and select the file for import.
  2. Click OK.

Form Billing Rates Import dialog box

  1. Click Yes to confirm.

Form Billing Rates Updated dialog box

  1. Click OK.

Importing Hourly Rates

To import standard hourly billing rates:

  1. Click the Tools menu; then, select Billing Manager.

Billing Manager (Hourly Rates tab)

  1. Click Import.

A Browse for Folder dialog box appears.

  1. Navigate to and select the file for import.
  2. Click OK.

Hourly Rates Import dialog box

  1. Click Yes to confirm.

Hourly Rates Update dialog box

  1. Click OK.


See Also:

Exporting Billing Rates

Modifying Billing Rates in a .csv File